What is Bike Buffalo Niagara?
The Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GBNRTC) and its partners have developed a regional bicycle plan for Erie and Niagara Counties. The Bike Buffalo Niagara initiative will help create more bike-able communities in our region. The Plan includes goals and objectives; an inventory of existing conditions; community input to identify desirable routes; priority corridors to close gaps in the network; and design guidelines that support bicycling as a safe, comfortable, and healthy form of transportation, recreation and physical activity.
Bike Buffalo Niagara
Regional Bicycle Master Plan
Learn how to use the interactive map: View a video tutorial
Download GIS shapefile of Proposed Trails and Bicycle Routes from the BIKE BUFFALO NIAGARA Regional Master Plan here
or Download Google Earth KMZ of Proposed Trails and Bicycle Routes from the BIKE BUFFALO NIAGARA Regional Master Plan - Open in Google Earth - No GIS software needed) files here
Download GIS shapefile of Existing Bike Facilities (On Road, Off Road) here
or Download Google Earth KMZ of Existing Bike Facilities (On Road, Off Road) - Open in Google Earth - No GIS software needed) files here
As we are always looking for ways to improve community accessibility to our planning products, please send feedback on the Regional Bicycle Master Plan Mapping Tool to: bikeplan@gbnrtc.org
Cheektowaga Area Trails Feasibility Study
Peanut Line Trail Feasibility Trail
Niagara Communities
Joint Trail Study
Contact form
Thank you to all who participated in helping to make this Plan. We would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about this Plan. Let us know at bikeplan@gbnrtc.org or fill out the form below.
February Community Workshops
Thank you to everyone who attended one of our Community Workshops in February to provide input on our Draft Regional Bicycle Master Plan!
View the PowerPoint Presentation in your browser from the February 4th and 5th Community Workshop by clicking on the button below or Download the PowerPoint Presentation from the February Community Workshops
Bike Buffalo Niagara
Community Workshops
February 4th & 5th
September Community Workshops
Thank you to everyone who attended one of our Community Workshops in September to learn about our Regional Bicycle Master Plan, discuss bicycle infrastructure challenges, and share your vision of biking in the Buffalo Niagara region!
Bike Buffalo Niagara
Community Workshops
September 10th & 11th
Thank you to everyone who shared their input on our interactive map. The interactive map is now closed, but you can still view the map with detailed community input.