
Safe Street for All (SS4A)

β€’ FY23 SS4A Notice of Funding Opportunity (FHWA)

β€’ Eligible Applicants for SS4A (FHWA)

β€’ SS4A Frequently Asked Questions (FHWA)

Safe System Approach

β€’ Safe System Roadway Design Hierarchy (FHWA)

β€’ Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Technical Brief on Institutionalizing the Safe System Approach in Local Road Safety Plans (2023)

β€’ A Safe System-Based Framework And Analytical Methodology For Assessing Intersections (FHWA)

β€’ Primer On Safe System Approach For Pedestrians And Bicyclists (FHWA)

β€’ Recommendations Of The Safe System Consortium (Johns Hopkins School Of Public Health)

β€’ Transportation Safety Planning And The Zero Deaths Vision: A Guide For Metropolitan Planning Organizations And Local Communities (FHWA)

Safety Countermeasures Guide

β€’ National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Countermeasures That Work (2023)

β€’ Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Proven Safety Countermeasures

β€’ Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks (2016)

β€’ Roadway Safety Noteworthy Practices


β€’ Strategic Highway Safety Plans – A Champion’s Guidebook To Saving Lives (FHWA)

β€’ Equity In Roadway Safety


β€’ New York State Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) (2023)

β€’ New York State FFY 2023 Highway Safety Strategic Plan (2023)

β€’ New York State SHSP Appendix 2: Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Safety Assessment (2023)


β€’ Moving Forward 2050

β€’ Buffalo Niagara Regional Bicycle Master Plan

β€’ Equity and Environmental Justice Analysis